
[RULES] d20 Warheart-riesenie problemov taziacich D&D?
Stránka 13 z 14

Autor:  Corvus [ Št. 19. Apr 2007, 14:03 ]
Predmet príspevku: 

presne tak.

Autor:  Warrior [ Št. 19. Apr 2007, 14:51 ]
Predmet príspevku: 

lev napísal:
Plavanie a skakanie nie je iba o sile, je to hodne o technike. No a ta otazka je na mieste - ked zoberies Athletic, tak pod nim je aj swim a nakolko Warhammer je zalozeny na istom historickom obdobii, tak sa to da porovnavat.

iste ale taký somalsky chlapec toho moc nenaskáče, rovnako nie woody allen, tak si tu neklamme :)

iste že je, ale sociologicky je mierne rozhádzaný... napr neviem o tom, že by v nemecku bola rovnopravnosť naboženstiev, pohlaví etc

Autor:  Corvus [ Ut. 24. Apr 2007, 11:30 ]
Predmet príspevku: 

stale nie som rozhodnuty co s tymi skillmi :ikonka20:

tu je vysek ako argumentuju wotc za zlucenie spot/search/listen  a dokonca aj sense motive do perception:

For example, we realized that the distinction between the Search and Spot skills was only a matter of intent. Does a character notice something because she's trying to notice it, or does she notice it incidentally? Either way, what matters is the end result. Skills should be differentiated when they differ in utility. But since Search and Spot differed only in intent, they were easy to consolidate.

Once we decided to combine those two skills, we naturally examined the Listen skill next. The game had separate skills for seeing and hearing, but what about the other senses -- smelling, feeling, and tasting? It didn't make sense to represent only some of the senses but not others. So we folded Listen in with the combined Search/Spot to form the core of the new Perception skill, which is used by the GM to determine whether characters notice something by any of their sensory methods.

Lastly, we took a look at Sense Motive. The skill allowed a character to perceive changes in tone (listening), body language (sight), and mannerisms (both) to determine someone's true motives. That sounded a lot like what we were already doing with the Perception skill, and so we folded Sense Motive into the new skill as well.

As you can see from the example above, consolidation allows individual skills to be more consistent with their utility. In Saga Edition, a GM need only think in broad terms to determine which skill checks to use in the course of an adventure.

Will the heroes notice the smell of blaster burns when they walk into a room? Perception!
Will the heroes convince a diplomat to see their side of things? Persuasion!
Will the heroes trick the local police into letting them go free? Deception!

asi pockam kym vyde SAGA a poriadne preskumam ako to tam poriesia. ale verim ze DnD 4.0 to bude mat nejak podobne... pevne dufam ze wizardi zachovaju OGL a SRD.

Autor:  Corvus [ Ut. 24. Apr 2007, 13:32 ]
Predmet príspevku: 

este mam jeden problem...

uvazujem nad premenovanim hit points na wounds..
totizno v d20 guide je zoznam definicii a je tam:

d20 guide napísal:
hit points (hp): A measure of character health or object integrity. Damage decreases current hit points, and lost hit points return with healing or natural recovery. A character’s hit point total increases permanently with additional experience and/or permanent increases in Constitution, or temporarily through the use of various special abilities, spells, magic items, or magical effects (see temporary hit points and effective hit point increase).

a zakaz upravovania tychto definicii:

d20 guide napísal:
No Covered Product may change or extend the definition of any Defined Game Term as enumerated in this Guide.

no a mne sa zda ze toto nariadenie porusujem, pretoze tam mam hit points definovane trosku inak/rozsirene:

d20 Warheart napísal:
Hit points are direct measure of a character’s ability to suffer damage, rather than their ability to avoid it. Additionally they work as a buffer. Character can suffer serious debilitating injury only if this buffer is depleted. ...

In a standard d20 campaign setting, a character receives a large amount of hit points as she progresses in levels. This is because hit points not only represent her ability to suffer physical punishment and keep going, her hit points also represent her ability to turn a serious blow into a less serious one. In other words, her hit points represent an ability to roll with blows, dodge attacks, and the like. In the d20 Warheart combat system, this is not the case. A character’s hit points represent only her ability to suffer damage and keep going. Hit points are a measurement of the character’s life force, not her dodging ability.

v dnd sa totiz tie hit pointy pouzivaju aj na vyjadrenie toho ako sa postava uhyba a tak.. to ale nie je v d20 guide priamo definovane ale v SRD uz ano...

SRD napísal:
What Hit Points Represent: Hit points mean two things in the game world: the ability to take physical punishment and keep going, and the ability to turn a serious blow into a less serious one.

tak neviem ci porusujem licenciu alebo nie.  :|

Autor:  alef0 [ Ut. 24. Apr 2007, 14:52 ]
Predmet príspevku: 

Neviem, nadobudol som dojem, ze tvoje hitpointy sa z hladiska ideologie az tak principialne nelisia od wizardskych - akurat je ich menej.

To by sa chcelo spytat inych ludi. V Star Warsoch su hitpointy alebo vitalita? (Pytam sa preto, ze by ak je rozdiel medzi filozofiou HP a vitality taky, vynutil zmenu nazvu, tak by sa to asi malo spravit aj tu)

Autor:  Corvus [ Ut. 24. Apr 2007, 15:00 ]
Predmet príspevku: 

no lisia sa od klasickych dnd tym ze nezahrnuju to uhybanie sa a obsuchy a take veci. jednoducho je to buffer kolko postava vydrzi ran pred tym nez sa na nej nejak radikalne prejavia....
skor sa podobaju na vitalitu zo SW (tam je ak vitalita aj hp) nez na hp z dnd...

problem je ze som si ich definiciu asi trochu upravil alebo 'rozsiril' a to sa mi zda proti licencii...

Autor:  Quicci [ Pi. 27. Apr 2007, 0:29 ]
Predmet príspevku: 

consistency check:
toto, Corvus, nezabudol si všetkým postavám pri zrušení viacerých útokov za jedno kolo pridať na úrovni, v ktorých by tento útok dostali, bonus feat?

či ešte lepšie, v záujme zachovania rozumu by bolo dobré napísať že všetky postavy získavajú bonus feat akonáhle ich BAB dosiahne 6, 11, a 16.  :P

Autor:  Corvus [ Pi. 27. Apr 2007, 7:22 ]
Predmet príspevku: 

nie nezabudol. oni ziaden specialny bonus feat na tych urovniach nedostavaju... to by predsa uplne stratilo zmysel ze som tie multi utoky zrusil. ak chce postava druhy utok tak nan musi obetovat nejaky volny feat.

Autor:  Corvus [ Pi. 27. Apr 2007, 8:29 ]
Predmet príspevku: 

mrkol som sa na ten navrh formatu.

- paci sa mi ze tabulky karier a ciest su bud dole alebo hore na stranke.
- aj ich format sa mi paci.

co by som este upravil:
- napis tabulka c.X by som posunul spat dolava, tam sa mi to paci viac nez v strede.
- jednostlpcove tabulky nelicuju so stlpcom textu.
- preco su okraje stranok odlisne pri kazdej druhej strane? je to kvoli viazaniu alebo to ma iny zmysel?
- to oramovanie mi tam chyba. je problem len v tom exporte do pdf? posli mi publisher verziu a ja to skusim exportovat acrobatom.

Autor:  Corvus [ Pi. 04. Máj 2007, 16:09 ]
Predmet príspevku: 

som dnes vazne uvazoval nad armor penetrating called shots a rozhodol som sa ich zkednodusit. teda odteraz to bude tak ze utocnik si moze zobrat penaltu k utoku a za kazde -2 moze ignorovat 1 bod protection. (btw existuje feat ktory dovoluje robit tuto vymenu 1:1)

dalej uvazujem o pausalnom znizeni hodnoty protection pre vsetky brnenia o 1, ma to svoje dovody ale este nie som rozhodnuty...

Autor:  crowen [ Ne. 06. Máj 2007, 23:34 ]
Predmet príspevku: 

Corvus: ak chces ist cestov zjednodusovania skillov tak si pozri World of Darkness, to je podla mna vynikajuci zoznam skillov tak na hranici zjednodusenia

Autor:  Corvus [ Ne. 06. Máj 2007, 23:54 ]
Predmet príspevku: 

crowen: zatial som sa na to zjednodusovanie vykaslal...negativa prevazili pozitiva..

Autor:  Corvus [ Po. 14. Máj 2007, 8:35 ]
Predmet príspevku: 

v novej verzii pojdu do kelu multiattack featy. miesto toho budu postavy dostavat bonus k damage a ku critical threatu podla base attacku.

- zrychlenie hry na vyssich leveloch
- podpora mobility pri boji (v dnd sa character nemoze hybat ked chce urobit vsetky svoje utoky, ked sa pohne ma len jeden utok)
- aby silne brnenie bolo menej ucinne proti vysokolevelovym bojovnikom. to vyplyva z toho ze vo warhearte je lepsie udriet raz a velmi silno nez viac krat slabo, pretoze zbroj znizuje zranenie.

jediny sposob ako sa bude dat utocit za kolo budu featy two weapon fightning, fast hurling, a mozno sa vrati aj rapid shot s vacsim postihom. a samozrejme frenzy.

Autor:  alef0 [ Po. 14. Máj 2007, 9:26 ]
Predmet príspevku: 

To je v sulade s pravidlovymi upravami, ktore prinesie Star Wars saga?

Autor:  Corvus [ Po. 14. Máj 2007, 9:41 ]
Predmet príspevku: 

nie je to uplne v sulade, len je to podobne.

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