
Stránka 4 z 5

Autor:  Annun [ Po. 30. Jan 2012, 15:38 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: ACTA

Ja som sa nestazoval, len sa pytal. :)

Autor:  Will [ Po. 30. Jan 2012, 15:53 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: ACTA

Ale aj na nastenke toho BA protestu sa objavili komentare o ogranizacii v inych mestach, imo najlepsie to spojit v roznych mestach v ten isty cas ... mozno nebude taka vysoka ucast v jednotlivych mestach ale celoplosne to uz moze byt zaujimave cislo.

Autor:  Nightfall [ Ut. 31. Jan 2012, 16:49 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: ACTA
Napiste aj vy svojmu europoslancovi :)

Autor:  Warrior [ Pi. 03. Feb 2012, 10:09 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: ACTA
As you may or may not be aware, Sweden is not a state in the United States
of America. Sweden is a country in northern Europe.
Unless you figured it out by now, US law does not apply here.
For your information, no Swedish law is being violated.

Please be assured that any further contact with us, regardless of medium,
will result in
a) a suit being filed for harassment
b) a formal complaint lodged with the bar of your legal counsel, for
sending frivolous legal threats.

It is the opinion of us and our lawyers that you are ....... morons, and
that you should please go sodomize yourself with retractable batons.

Please also note that your e-mail and letter will be published in full on

Go fuck yourself.

Polite as usual,

Autor:  Cerebro [ Pi. 03. Feb 2012, 12:35 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: ACTA

Warrior napísal:
Spoiler! :
As you may or may not be aware, Sweden is not a state in the United States
of America. Sweden is a country in northern Europe.
Unless you figured it out by now, US law does not apply here.
For your information, no Swedish law is being violated.

Please be assured that any further contact with us, regardless of medium,
will result in
a) a suit being filed for harassment
b) a formal complaint lodged with the bar of your legal counsel, for
sending frivolous legal threats.

It is the opinion of us and our lawyers that you are ....... morons, and
that you should please go sodomize yourself with retractable batons.

Please also note that your e-mail and letter will be published in full on

Go fuck yourself.

Polite as usual,

i just love them :ikonka19:

Autor:  Will [ So. 04. Feb 2012, 11:06 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: ACTA

Takze dnes od 14:00 v BA, prostest proti ACTA, namestie Slobody.
Chystate sa? Dame meet niekde chvilu pred tym?

Autor:  Phinea [ So. 04. Feb 2012, 12:30 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: ACTA

ak dovtedy zabudnem na ten traumatizujuci zazitok z dnesneho rana ked som sla do shopu a skoro som umrzla tak pojdem:)

Autor:  Juro [ So. 04. Feb 2012, 17:14 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: ACTA

7200 attending :D

a co toto? ... est-feb-11

slovensko ake cistunke

Autor:  Nightfall [ Po. 06. Feb 2012, 17:00 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: ACTA

Autor:  Juro [ So. 18. Feb 2012, 12:41 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: ACTA ... rijat.html

polsko odmietlo actu

Autor:  Wolf [ So. 18. Feb 2012, 13:16 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: ACTA

jj.. zas raz jedna vec ktoru som zistil z 9gagu skor ako z nejakeho takehoto clanku :lol:

anyway.. som zvedavy co vymyslia nabuduce a kolko to potrva

Autor:  Sidonel [ So. 18. Feb 2012, 14:51 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: ACTA

Juro napísal:

polsko odmietlo actu

zrovna som to sem chcel hodiť a už to tu je :)

Autor:  Will [ So. 18. Feb 2012, 16:25 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: ACTA


„Nikto nie je rád, keď musí zmeniť názor, ale hriechom je ostať v omyle a nezmeniť názor, keď na to existujú jasné dôvody,“ povedal Tusk

Čítajte viac: ... z1mk9i1t1r

Autor:  Cerebro [ So. 18. Feb 2012, 16:38 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: ACTA

Will napísal:

„Nikto nie je rád, keď musí zmeniť názor, ale hriechom je ostať v omyle a nezmeniť názor, keď na to existujú jasné dôvody,“ povedal Tusk

Čítajte viac: ... z1mk9i1t1r

Donald Tusk

Autor:  Cerebro [ So. 25. Feb 2012, 13:49 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: ACTA :thumbsup:

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