
Adobe Fail
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Autor:  Riso [ Pi. 04. Okt 2013, 14:43 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Adobe Fail ... ?hpt=hp_t3

Adobe Systems said Thursday that hackers had accessed personal data for nearly 3 million of its customers.
Brad Arkin, Adobe's chief security officer, wrote in a blog post that the hackers had removed data including encrypted credit- and debit-card numbers, but that the company does not believe any decrypted numbers were taken.

The attackers "removed from our systems certain information relating to 2.9 million Adobe (ADBE) customers, including customer names, encrypted credit or debit card numbers, expiration dates, and other information relating to customer orders," Arkin wrote. The company is in the process of notifying customers whose card information was involved in the incident, and is resetting the relevant customer passwords.
The hackers also took source code for a number of Adobe products, Arkin said.


Autor:  alef0 [ Pi. 04. Okt 2013, 15:27 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: Adobe Fail

40GB dat vraj lieta niekde tam vonku.

zdrojaky k Adobe Readeru a pod.

Autor:  Riso [ Pi. 04. Okt 2013, 16:31 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: Adobe Fail

To je ten mensi problem.... Vacsi problem su data o 3 milionoch kreditnych kartach, co tam niekde vonku tiez lietaju... plus dalsie osobne data

Autor:  Will [ Pi. 04. Okt 2013, 22:37 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: Adobe Fail

Obzvlast po tom co tvrdosijne zaviedli subscription only business model. Toto je imo presne ten velky pruser celeho systemu. Kradnutie tychto dat bolo vzdy lukrativnym cielom ale ak viac a viac spolocnosti prejde na tento system bez dostatocneho zabezpecenia tak je jednoducho vacsia sanca, ze ukradnu data od kreditky hocikomu. Pricom, dostatocne zabezpecenie je tiez iba otazka toho, ze niekto moze tie data vyniest aj zvnutra.

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